May 16, 2024
repair a damaged hard drive in windows

Ways to Repair a Dead or Damaged Hard Drive in Windows?

If your hard disk fails, act fast to avoid more harm. To learn [How to Repair a Dead/Damaged Hard Drive in Windows], Continue Reading….

Fixing and Repair a Dead or Damaged Hard Drive in Windows

Windows has limited ability to repair a damaged hard drive in windows. Some accidents are easily fixed, but for others, expert help is essential. A hard drive crash occurs when a hard disk fails and you are unable to access the data stored on it. Here are several indications of a hard disk crash: A damaged hard disk. Before repairing the drive, make sure to recover as much data as possible to avoid any permanent losses. Let’s look at two approaches for recovering Windows hard disks that are either dead or damaged.

Way 1. Data Recovery Wizard

The quickest way to repair a damaged hard drive in windows is to utilize data recovery software. The BLR data recovery tool is reliable solution for crashed hard drives. It’s considered one of the best wizards available, supporting Windows file systems FAT16, FAT32, exFAT, and NTFS, and it can handle RAW files if your file system crashes.

Because your crashed hard disk is vulnerable, we will walk you through the process of constructing a byte-by-byte clone and recovering your data. BLR Tools allows you to recover data from a failed or damaged Windows hard drive in the following ways:

  1. Go to, BLR Tools .
  2. Install BLR data recovery tool
  3. on a functioning drive.
  4. Simply click to create a disk backup.
  5. In Windows, choose the damaged or dead hard drive and then choose “Byte-to-byte Backup.”
  6. Name the backup and specify where it will be stored. Click “OK.”
  7. Go back to Devices > Storage and choose the disk image.
  8. Once you’ve chosen a disk image.
  9. Click Locate Lost Data.
  10. Select Review detected items to see the objects that BLR Tools discovered. Click Next.

Make a note of whatever files you want to have restored from the damaged hard drive. Use the preview window to ensure you’re recovering the correct files. When you are ready to travel, press repair a damaged hard drive in windows.


Way 2: Data Recovery Wizard Service.

More severe occurrences of data loss following an incident will necessitate expert intervention. Data recovery services use professionals who have received the appropriate knowledge and equipment to repair a damaged hard drive in windows. Although this procedure is far more expensive than the data recovery wizard, in some circumstances it may be the only choice that provides the best chance of success and recovery.

1. Choose BLR BitLocker data recovery toolStart Recovery.”

2. Fill up the work order online, making sure to include all relevant details about your situation and hard drive.

3. Complete the work order.

4. Once you’ve submitted the work order, send your damaged hard drive somewhere for recovery.

5. The work order was delivered.

6. Your data will be saved on a functional storage device that you can restore after recovery is complete.

Steps for Repairing a Broken Hard Drive

Once your data has been safely secured, use the procedures listed below to repair a damaged hard drive in windows and restore it to normal.

Step 1: Check for infections.

In case a virus is responsible for the drive crash, utilize the antivirus tool included in Windows Security to scan for infections. Refer to the following procedures to conduct an antivirus scan on your crashed hard drive:

  • Open the file browser.
  • To run Microsoft Defender, right-click your drive and select Scan from the context menu.
  • This initiates a quick scan immediately.
  • Conducting a quick scan.
  • If a thorough search does not yield any results,
  • Select Microsoft Defender Offline scan and then click Scan Now.
  • Perform an offline scan.

Step 2: Examine Disk.

CheckDisk is a command-line utility that may inspect your drive for logical and physical issues. It can employ additional options to attempt to resolve any issues it discovers, including corrupt sectors, by remapping them to functioning ones.

To fix a crashed hard drive with CheckDisk, follow these steps:

  1. Choose Windows PowerShell (Admin) from the Start menu.
  2. Users of Windows 11 can also choose Terminal (Admin).
  3. PowerShell on Windows has been begun.
  4. It’s the “chkdsk *: /r” sort.
  5. Replace * with the drive letter of the damaged hard disk.

Step 3: Press the enter key.

  • Complete the CheckDisk process and proceed to set up.
  • Formatting the hard disk allows for the installation of a new file system, setting it up for data storage.

This operation will wipe all of the device’s current data. If you’ve already formatted it and are concerned about getting your data back, don’t be; you may still utilize the data recovery procedure to repair a damaged hard drive in windows.

Solutions to Repair a Dead or Damaged Hard Drive in Windows

You may relax knowing that your data is safe and that your hard disk is back in working order. Before you entirely forget about this entire experience and your hard drive fails again, consider following these procedures with BitLocker data recovery to save yourself time and trouble in the future.

Make a backup of your data: In the event of a loss, backups are critical to data security. Using backup tools such as File History or Backup & Restore can help protect your data effortlessly. Remember to shut down safely. To avoid any issues with your files, always shut down your computer the right way. To turn off your computer, simply right-click the Start menu instead of using the power button.

Examine your health: Monitoring the data on your hard drive may help you spot problems before they worsen. BLR Tools includes a free disk monitoring program that runs in the background and alerts you to any problems that arise.

Avoid questionable emails and files: A simple way avoid viruses is to promptly delete any files or emails that seem suspicious. Make sure to download software straight from the provider, as third-party websites may include dangerous spyware.

Here’s how to use Windows to format a dead or broken hard drive:

  1. Rightclick on Start and select Disk Management.
  2. Turn disk management on.
  3. In Windows, format a damaged or dead hard disk by right-clicking on the volume and selecting Format.
  4. Format the crashed drive’s volume.
  5. Check that “Perform a quick format” is selected, then click the “OK” button.
  6. Preparing the format.
  7. Press Okay again.

To Summarize,

Hard Disk crashes can be caused by viruses, physical harm, corruption, or human mistake. In the event that this happens, you must move quickly to recover the data from your damaged hard disk. In this instance, you can utilize the trusted BLR data recovery tool as a data recovery program. If the damage is extensive, you may want to consider employing a data recovery service. Once the data has been restored, you can use Windows to repair a damaged hard drive in windows. Beginning with virus scanning is strongly recommended. If the disk is clean, run CheckDisk to correct it. If CheckDisk fails to resolve the problem, format the hard disk. Make backups, keep an eye on your drive’s state, and always shut down your computer carefully.

Also Read :

Formatted Hard Drive Data Recovery with Software

Repair a Damaged Hard Drive in Windows
Article Name
Repair a Damaged Hard Drive in Windows
This blog's BLR data recovery tool repair instructions can help you repair a dead or damaged hard drive in Windows.

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  1. Recover Files from Broken Hard Drive

    […] Ways to Repair a Dead or Damaged Hard Drive in Windows? […]

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