May 20, 2024
seo expert guide

SEO Tips and Tricks to Gain Backlinks [Ultimate Guide]

Tips and Secret Tricks to Gain Backlinks: SEO Expert Guide

When you search for “how to get backlinks,” and what are the best tips and tricks to gain backlinks to your website. You will typically get a big list of worn-out, outdated methods that everyone is already familiar with. It’s not hard to figure out that you should Google “Keyword + Write For Us” or investigate high-ranking websites in the market you want to break into and harvest backlinks from those sites. What you really need is a list of creative suggestions that you have never used before.

Since 2008, I have been active in the process of developing backlinks and have operated a link building service from the United Kingdom. As a result, I am familiar with the strategies that are rarely included on general lists.

Now that you’ve got that out of the way, let me reveal some of the creative methods that we utilize to acquire backlinks. Let’s get started!


Tricks on How to Gain Backlinks: Tools & Techniques

Consider options that lie outside the realm of your competitors.

Many link builders would advise you to look at the backlinks of your competitors for ideas; but, have you considered looking at the backlink profiles of the websites that connect to them?

Have fun falling down the rabbit hole! Examine the backlink profiles of the websites that link to your rivals, then examine the backlink profiles of the websites that link to them, and so on up the chain.

Ahrefs, Majestic SEO, and Moz Link Explorer are three excellent tools that can assist you with this. If you employ this strategy, despite the fact that it may sound confusing, you will open up a supply of new site possibilities for you to investigate.

Analyze Deeply into Ahrefs’ Link building Tools – Tips to Gain Backlinks

When it comes to link building, Ahrefs is an extremely helpful piece of software, and there are a wide variety of techniques to get the most out of it.

The service provides a variety of tools that are able to assist you in discovering high-quality tips and tricks to gain backlinks prospects. In addition to this, it provides a wide variety of filters that can be used to locate the appropriate websites for your backlink profile.

To get started, you may make use of a tool called Keyword Explorer to look for associated keywords that are used in the content of other pages that have a high ranking in your particular sector.

These keywords have the potential to guide you through every step of the process; if you don’t have much success with your primary keywords or if you’ve used up all of your available possibilities, you can use linked keywords to find more websites.

After that, you can use Ahrefs’ Content Explorer to search for web sites that discuss the subject you’ve selected and rank well for the keywords you’re focusing on by entering your new keywords into the search bar.

You may then use the connect Intersect tool to locate websites that connect to your new objectives but do not link to your site — at least not yet!

Finally, if you want to use Ahrefs as one of your link building techniques, one of the most creative ways to do it is to check out the Site Explorer to see which pages are gaining in popularity. You are able to view the pages on each target URL or competitor’s website that are increasing at the fastest rate by utilizing the “Top content” feature.

You can next focus your attention on the websites that are linking to them and investigate whether or not you are able to duplicate their strategy. If one of your competitors is successful in bringing a lot of traffic to a new press release or announcement, for instance, you might want to consider incorporating this method into your own digital marketing plan.

As you can see, Ahrefs is one of my go-to picks for useful software. It is something that my team and I utilize very frequently while looking for exciting new prospects for our clients as well as for our own website when we are generating backlinks.


Check out where various websites Stand on BuzzSumo.

BuzzSumo is yet another fantastic tool that may assist you in finding outstanding websites to use for your link building strategy.

You may locate high-performing content on the web that ranks for your target keywords and phrases by using the Web Content search engine that BuzzSumo provides.

You may then use the connect Intersect tool to locate websites that connect to your new objectives but do not link to your site — at least not yet!

Finally, if you want to use Ahrefs as one of your link building techniques, one of the most creative ways to do it is to check out the Site Explorer to see which pages are gaining in popularity. You are able to view the pages on each target URL or competitor’s website that are increasing at the fastest rate by utilizing the “Top content” feature.

You can next focus your attention on the websites that are linking to them and investigate whether or not you are able to duplicate their strategy. If one of your competitors is successful in bringing a lot of traffic to a new press release or announcement, for instance, you might want to consider incorporating this method into your own digital marketing plan.

As you can see, Ahrefs is one of my go-to picks for useful software. It is something that my team and I utilize very frequently while looking for exciting new prospects for our clients as well as for our own website when we are generating backlinks, we can read SEO Expert’s recommended tips and tricks to gain backlinks.

Check out where various websites stand on BuzzSumo.

BuzzSumo is yet another fantastic tool that may assist you in finding outstanding websites to use for your link building strategy.

You may locate high-performing content on the web that ranks for your target keywords and phrases by using the Web Content search engine that BuzzSumo provides.

Analyze how your organic competitors are performing using SEMrush Tool

When looking for possibilities to develop links, one of my favorite tools to use is SEMrush because of its versatility. SEMrush provides its users with dozens of helpful tools and statistics, so there are a multitude of ways in which it may be utilized in the process of link building.

Discovering your organic competitors and then investigating the tips and tricks to gain backlinks, they have is an excellent method to get started. If you’re operating in the kind of market where “sharing is caring,” you might even want to think about contacting them!

You can locate your organic competitors by entering your website into the “Domain Overview” portion of the program, after which you can investigate the Organic Research insights that are made available to you by the instrument. This tool will provide you with a wealth of invaluable information regarding your organic rankings, including information regarding your primary organic competitors.

After that, you have the option of exporting this data as a CSV file and working your way through the websites while analyzing linked domains and other insights.

By utilizing this strategy, you will be able to collect a significant amount of data and perhaps discover hundreds of prospects for backlinking.

Never Base Your Decision Just on one Metric

There are a great deal of different SEO metrics available, and it would appear that practically every tool available today offers at least one of them. Whether it’s the overall number of backlinks or the quality of the content, each statistic conveys a distinct amount of information.

You need to take into consideration a variety of factors, including traffic, while you are generating backlinks, you must read tips and tricks to gain backlinks. One should seek for a statistic like Moz’s Domain Authority that focuses on how likely it is for a page to rank high on search engine results pages (SERPs). You could also want to think about using a statistic that places more emphasis on the quality of the websites that link to your preferred domain, such as the Trust Flow feature offered by Majestic SEO.

It should come as no surprise that these corporations do not provide the specifics of their scoring systems to us; if they did, we could easily replicate their results. When evaluating sites, you need to maintain your objectivity and make use of a variety of measures. If you narrow your attention to a particular measure without first gaining a comprehensive grasp of it, you run the risk of missing out on significant possibilities to develop links.

Interestingly, here at UK Linkology, we came to the conclusion that none of the currently available indicators could offer us the confidence to accept or reject a site in a reliable enough manner. We resolved this issue by developing our very own algorithm, which combines organic traffic and keyword analytics with domain-level indicators such as Moz DA.

Think like a visitor – Tricks and Tips works to Gain Backlinks

When developing your strategy for link development, you need to take into consideration not just the analytics, but also the human element.

Check out a website as if you were a visitor there before deciding whether or not to make it the focus of your link-building efforts. Launch the website in question and determine whether or not it appears that a real person is associated with it.

Does the website have a presence on various social media platforms? Is it possible to read the content? Do they use generic stock images or pictures that are taken specifically for the website?

If you think the website resembles a private blog network (abbreviated as PBN), then there is a good probability that it actually is one. It will not only be noticed by readers but also by search algorithms, therefore you should avoid doing it at all costs.

Tips and Tricks on Outreach Help you Gain Backlinks

Look in “About” section of Facebook for people’s email Addresses

Finding people’s email addresses can be difficult, and it’s common knowledge that contact forms aren’t the most effective tool to use when you’re looking for possibilities to develop links.

The email addresses are not displayed on the contact page; thus, how can you locate them? Even though there are tools like that can be helpful, there are other methods that are less complicated and sometimes even faster. This is especially true if you do not have a pro subscription and have used up all of your free checks!

In the About section of their Facebook profile, businesses typically include an email address for contact purposes. Accessing this does not even require you to be logged in to Facebook; in fact, the vast majority of company pages are viewable by anybody.

You can find an email address by looking in the Contact Details area, which is located underneath the Business Info section. In most cases, this email will forward your message immediately to the online editor or the marketing team. As a result, your message will be sent to the people who are most relevant to your business.

It is important to follow up, so don’t be afraid.

If you’re doing it for a worthy reason, it’s not annoying at all. You should never be scared to send follow-up emails to the websites that you have targeted.

My colleagues and I have discovered that the highest response rate really comes from recipients of follow-up emails. A follow-up email is more difficult to disregard than the initial one because the recipient may have missed it or forgotten about it.

We will typically follow up two or three times, as this is our standard practice. If you continue to receive no answer, it is safe to assume that the person in question does not like you or that the email address in question is not used frequently.

You could try to find another person to contact, but if it doesn’t work and you still don’t hear anything, you should just give up on that website altogether. Spending too much time on websites that don’t answer to you is a waste of time; rather, you should concentrate on discovering interesting new chances and working with websites that truly do respond.

You should personalize the templates you use for outreach by adding unique insights (and not simply the recipient’s name).

You’ll save time by using templates, but everyone can smell a rat a mile away! Therefore, while it is recommended that you utilize a template, you must ensure that it can be adapted to the specific needs of your audience.

This customization might be as straightforward as adding the recipient’s name and incorporating their website’s domain name into the email. On the other hand, you can use email sending solutions like Mailshake to send out your template to a large number of people while also containing personal information.

You should also make an effort to give distinctive insights into their website in addition to the names. For instance, if you have access to SEO tools like as Ahrefs and SEMrush, you may utilize such tools to determine which pages are ranking highest in the search results. After that, you might state that you want to develop something comparable to that post or that you want to imitate its style in order to get even more traffic for them.

The most of website proprietors are going to be aware that you are looking for tips and tricks to gain backlinks for your website, but they will nonetheless be eager to assist you if they believe they may benefit in some way from the arrangement. Therefore, you need to demonstrate to them the advantages that come with working with you. If they do not see them in the initial email that you send to them, it is quite unlikely that they will ask.

Ensure Site’s Contribution Guidelines to Gain Backlinks

There are many websites that include a page labeled “write for us” that informs potential authors on what the site is searching for. As an illustration, the WordStream page can be found here.

If the site you are trying to reach has one, then you have to follow the directions that are on it. You need to make sure that you use the instructions, as the vast majority of excellent websites will include them.

For instance, a lot of websites demand that you use a particular subject line for your messages. Some will even use a certain word to test whether or not you have read the content rules beforehand.

You should read the “write for us” page and check to see if there is anything on there that you can use even if they don’t provide explicit instructions elsewhere on the site. There will be certain sites that have a joke; therefore, you might include a reference to the joke and elaborate on it as part of the process of personalizing the outreach email. By taking this technique, they will realize that there is a real person behind the email, and that they are not merely a number on a huge list that is being distributed by an anonymous organization.

You Shouldn’t be Afraid of Dropping Quality Links

“Link drops” may sound scary, but in truth, they are often a fantastic opportunity to save oneself some valuable time. You can search for an article on the subject you’ve selected, then make an offer to add your quote and link to it.

Many people who build links make use of the broken link strategy, which involves looking for links that have been lost over time and offering their own link as an alternative. In addition, we have discovered that applications such as Pitchbox and HARO perform exceptionally well when it comes to locating opportunities for link dropouts.

You can locate opportunities to add your link to an article by using these tools, which will save you time; instead of writing an entire article, you will only need to write a quote!

When you are dropping links, you need to make sure that you examine the metrics of both the individual page and the entire website. There is no use in placing your link on a fantastic website if you then choose a piece of content that does not receive any traffic and does not have any authority. Old pages that haven’t built up any authority are not likely to start doing so, therefore you should avoid visiting them.

You could make use of SEMrush to examine the traffic for the page and BuzzSumo to review the interaction in order to ensure that you pick valuable possibilities for link drops. Additionally, make use of metrics such as Moz Page Authority (PA) and Ahrefs UR to get a sense of how the internal links on pages you are evaluating might be effecting those pages.

How it Works – Tips and Tricks to Gain Backlinks

Change the text that serves as your anchor

Because search engines are continually looking for evidence of link building efforts, you need to make it difficult for them to find yours by using anchor text in a way that is strategic.

The presence of a large number of websites with the same or comparable metrics, all linking back to you at approximately the same time, and all using the same anchor text within a single backlink profile is highly suspicious.

Because of this, having a varied set of tips and tricks to gain backlinks throughout your profile is essential. Altering the anchor text that you use on your links is equally as important as switching up the websites that you direct traffic to. The golden rule is to never (or virtually never) use the same one twice in the same context.

Your website’s backlink profile will have a more natural appearance if you take this method, and your chances of getting the rankings you seek will improve as a result.

Keep in mind that a greater number of words does not necessarily indicate improved quality.

If you want to acquire a guest post slot on several blogs, you will need to write a lengthy piece of content for them; but, quantity does not always equal quality or success in SEO.

The usability of a website is just as important to search engines as its technical SEO; therefore, if your content is full of filler words, it will not accomplish what you want it to.

The goal is to provide Google with sufficient information so that it can provide a complete and correct response to the inquiry, which can sometimes be accomplished in just three words.

You need to do some study into the SERPs and find out what Google already has ranked on page one. Then search for ways to either build upon the existing pages or approach the inquiry from an entirely different perspective.

In a similar vein, if you are producing an ultimate guide, you need to make sure that you cover everything that the reader need information on. In that situation, you will probably need to go into greater detail, which will need you to use more words.

You’ll improve your search engine optimization (SEO) if you provide content that satisfies the needs of your users (also known as their intent). Writing meaningless content just to meet a required word limit won’t help your rankings in the least.

Create written something that you would be proud to Publish

Make sure that the content you write for this kind of back link plan is of the same high quality as the content that you would use on your own website, and then utilize that content for the approach.

Even though the information may not be published on your website, if it has your link, then you are in some way connected to it. This could be a positive or negative association.

As a result of this, you have an obligation to ensure that the content you publish is of high quality and insightful. After all, the most valuable backlinks are the ones that are discovered in content of high quality. Your article will add more value to any websites it links to, including your own, to the extent that the number of people who interact with it and the amount of traffic it receives.

Recap of How to Get and Gain Backlinks

Link construction is an art form, so be inventive!

If you only remember one thing from this essay, make it this: link building is a constantly changing business. These tactics are effective for us right now, and they may be beneficial to you as well. That doesn’t mean they’re the only methods, tips and tricks to gain backlinks.

Use your creativity and resources to come up with unique solutions that work for you. I’ve been creating backlinks for decades, so these strategies will save you time. That being said, the best advice I can give is to test everything and keep going. It’s impossible to know what works and what doesn’t until you try it.

To summarize the above tips and tricks for increasing and tips and tricks to gain backlinks:.

  • Look for opportunities outside your competition.
  • Investigate Ahrefs’ link-building tools in depth.
  • See how websites rank on BuzzSumo.
  • SEMrush can help you analyze your organic competitors.
  • Never rely solely on one metric.
  • Consider yourself a visitor.
  • To find email addresses, go to Facebook’s “About” section.
  • Don’t be scared to follow through.
  • Personalize your outreach templates with relevant information (not simply their name).
  • Follow the contributor guidelines on the site.
  • Don’t be terrified of good link drops.
  • Change your anchor text.
  • Keep in mind that a bigger word count isn’t necessarily preferable.
  • Create stuff that you’d be proud to publish.

Good luck with your link-building efforts!


Jimmi Baba is the Expert SEO Expert at the company WebbyAcad. He is dedicated to inventing and introducing novel and strong ways of tips and tricks to gain backlinks. Backlinks building to everyone who is interested in listening to him discuss the topic. You may learn more about him and his experience in digital marketing by going to more of his blogs and reading more articles that he has produced.

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